Sunday 10 January 2016

Twitter Campaign - Domino's Lets Do Lunch

   Domino's UK launched a campaign on Twitter to promote their pizza. The event lasted until lunchtime and was a massive success for the company. The premise was to have twitter users post tweets containing a hash-tag. For every tweet made containing this hash-tag, the price of a pepperoni pizza would be reduced by a penny. Due to the tempting premise of this campaign, the price of the pizza dropped from £15.99 to £7.74.

   The campaign focused on a popular pizza, the Pepperoni Passion, to catch the attention of customers. A single tweet results in a barely-noticeable price-difference, this gives many users a greater incentive to participate – to place an order at a cheaper price. With a significant number of tweets, the pizza's price would be very appealing to a wide range of people. The reduced-price only lasted a day, which led to many customers buying the pizza simply because of the discount.

   A single tweet including the hash-tag “#letsdolunch” will contribute towards lowering the pizza's price. Followers who see the tweets will also be inclined to participate. this will lead to a significant number of people using the hash-tag – perhaps telling friends and family about the discounted pizza.

   All they needed to do to attract an audience was to have the customers all chip-in online for a 54% discount on a large pizza. Domino's gained a large portion of free advertisement, with over 80,000 tweets containing the hash-tag. Along with a boost to sales, Domino's also amassed quite a lot of popularity and followers after the short campaign. This worked out well for the company, as Twitter's target-audience are male teenagers. As they directed people on twitter to Facebook for more information, this led to the Facebook account getting attention directed towards it too.

Facebook Campaign - ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

ALS is a charity organisation dedicated to spreading awareness of motor neurone disease, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig's Disease in the US. They invest time and money into researching a cure for the disease. Support is provided to people suffering the disease – as well as their family members. The campaign came into creation by a man called Pete Frates.

Asks people to donate and aid a good cause. Some saw the campaign as an opportunity to challenge friends and see how they react after being soaked with freezing water, this transformed the campaign into a massive social-trend to dare friends with.
Celebrities also got involved in the campaign, this led to more people finding out about the campaign through the actors and artists they love – as well as getting to see how they cope after having ice-cold water thrown over themselves.

Participants would challenge both friends and family to do the Ice Bucket Challenge, this spread the campaign from family-to-family very quickly. This would lead to greater coverage and more people taking-part voluntarily.
The way to participate in the campaign is to film yourself being doused in a bucket full of ice-cold water and challenge a friend or family member to do the challenge. The recording must then be posted online – the people challenged to take part may be tagged in the post. The final step of the challenge is to go to the ALS website and donate. People unable to do the Ice Bucket Challenge can still be part of the campaign by donating to ALS and telling friends on Facebook about the campaign.

Overall, the campaign was a massive success. With over 2 million videos posted on Facebook, ALS gained an immense deal of coverage thanks to how quickly the trend of taking the challenge spread. Celebrities who took the challenge helped fans find out about the disease, which in-turn lead to people checking the ALS website to learn what the disease is and how efforts have been made to find a cure for it. The event has continued to run in August every year.